Mars Through The Signs

Mars Through The Signs

Mars is the planet that represents various aspects of an individual's temperament, energy, sexuality and motivation. Named after the Roman god of war, Mars is associated with assertiveness, courage, ambition, and the drive to pursue goals. It is considered a symbol of how we take action, compete, and assert ourselves in different areas of life.

Key associations with Mars in astrology include:

  1. Energy and Drive: Mars represents our physical energy, stamina, and how we approach tasks. It governs our motivation to take action and accomplish things.

  2. Passion and Sexuality: Mars is linked to our desires, including sexual desires. It signifies how we express our passions and pursue romantic relationships.

  3. Assertiveness and Aggression: Mars is associated with assertive and sometimes aggressive behavior. It governs how we assert ourselves, compete, and confront challenges.

  4. Courage and Initiative: Mars influences our ability to take risks, show initiative, and overcome obstacles. It is a key factor in our approach to new ventures and challenges.

  5. Physical Activity: Mars rules over physical activities, exercise, and sports. It reflects how we channel our physical energy into activities that promote health and well-being.

  6. Anger and Conflict: Mars is connected to anger and how we handle conflicts. It signifies our response to challenges and adversity, including the potential for aggressive behavior.

The position of Mars by sign, house, and aspects (relationships to other planets) provides insights into an individual's style of taking action, pursuing goals, and expressing passion. Additionally, the "Mars Return" occurs approximately every two years, marking a period when Mars returns to the same position it occupied at the time of a person's birth, signifying a time of renewed energy and focus.

Understanding Mars, can offer valuable insights into one's assertiveness, drive, and approach to various aspects of life.

Mars In Aries ♈

This Mars in Aries placement is characterized by an inherent impulsiveness, with a primary instinct to take swift action. Individuals with Mars in Aries are prone to quick flare-ups of anger, although these outbursts tend not to linger. They exhibit a forward-focused mindset, seldom dwelling on the past or harboring resentments. The immediacy of their temper prompts a rapid response to issues, leaving little room for lingering grievances. When these individuals trust their instincts, they are remarkably efficient, making fast and generally sound decisions. Deliberation occurs at a rapid pace, making the term somewhat of a misnomer for these natives. Spontaneity, simplicity, and innovation are assets, and predictability can be a source of restlessness. Mars in Aries individuals thrive on novelty, relishing fresh ideas, pioneering actions, and new projects. While relationships with them can be exhilarating, keeping up proves challenging due to their impulsive tendencies and a propensity to lose initial enthusiasm quickly. Indirectness frustrates them, as they prefer straightforward communication without beating around the bush. Despite occasional impatience and rudeness, there is a transparency to their intentions, and hidden agendas are rare unless Mars is adversely aspected in the birth chart.

Mars In Aries Sexuality

Mars In Aries sexual expression involves spontaneity and a lack of constraints. Individuals with this placement are particularly drawn to partners who offer themselves with innocence and purity, finding such gestures truly captivating. Some are inclined to seek excitement and adventure in love, taking risks in the bedroom. While their sexual demeanor may carry an element of selfishness and urgency, they typically prefer a direct approach in bed and may become impatient with prolonged foreplay. They may enjoy quick sex and lots of it. They usually have a high sex drive. These lovers are known for their assertiveness and speed, approaching sexual encounters with sincerity and enthusiasm, although their constancy in such matters may vary. Their desires are undeniably potent, and unlike individuals of other signs who may be stirred by romantic atmospheres, those with Mars in Aries are most aroused by the straightforward appeal of their partner's sexual organs. Falling in and out of infatuation with ease, they find a sense of vitality in the act of desiring someone.

Mars In Taurus ♉

Typically composed and easygoing, individuals with Mars in Taurus may reveal potent tempers when excessively provoked, although they generally don't lose their cool as swiftly as others, unless Aries prominently features in their chart or they have pluto squares or mars conjunct the sun.  Mars in Taurus natives prioritise strength and stability, guided by a profound attachment to security and a particular fondness for personal possessions. Their approach is marked by a diligent work ethic and an overarching patience. While some may perceive them as slow to arous, their sensuality is earthy and robust. Individuals born with Mars in Taurus tend to harbor well-defined, long-term goals, and they possess the determination to see them through but it may take longer. They can get annoyed with the world when they watch other people excelling quicker than themselves. They prefer a focused approach, rarely taking on too many projects simultaneously. Once their minds are made up, persuading them to alter their course is a formidable task. Adaptability is not their forte. Efforts to hasten Mars in Taurus individuals prove frustrating, as they steadfastly maintain their own pace, seemingly impervious to external pressures. Despite these quirks, those who persevere will discover that Mars in Taurus natives are often reliable and possess strong personalities, making the wait potentially worthwhile.

Mars In Taurus Sexuality

With Mars residing in Taurus, the sexual expression of these individuals is an immersive experience that engages all the senses. Touch and smell, taste, visual, hold paramount significance for these lovers, making them the embodiment of physicality in intimate relationships. While they may not be known for spontaneity or a wide range of activities in the bedroom, they excel in their physical presence and unwavering commitment. Simple, straightforward sexual encounters suit them well, provided the ambiance is right and there is ample physical contact. The challenge of abstaining is particularly pronounced for Taurus, emphasising the importance of establishing a regular and reliable partner. In the realm of sexual stamina, individuals with Mars in Taurus exhibit enduring and consistent prowess. Despite their general patience, their approach to lovemaking is natural and physical, avoiding intellectualisation of the act, as such complexities only serve to perplex the grounded and sensual nature of Taurus.

Mars In Gemini ♊

Mars governs our impulses. In the mutable air sign of Gemini, Mars exhibits a tendency to be somewhat scattered and unfocused. Individuals with Mars in Gemini easily succumb to boredom and require frequent changes of pace to maintain elevated energy levels. Interestingly, these natives experience exhaustion when faced with little to do, yet transform into powerhouses when their agenda is brimming with interesting activities. Boredom triggers a distinct physical reaction in Mars in Gemini individuals, setting them apart from others. Thy often enter into driving jobs, or some type of academic work such as teaching, or writing. But they often experience difficulties in finding their passion in one thing. Many clients I have read for who book the 'What Is My Career Purpose' reading come to me with a number of different interests from nail art, nursing, ubering, and they suddenly got into interior design. The issue with the Mars here is consistency. They are good at so many things but struggle to stick with one. Mars in Gemini is great for trying and learning everything which leaves them fearless. Mars in Gemini natives wield language as their "weapon" when angered or impassioned. Expressing themselves through incisive and sarcastic words, some display a more energetic approach, while others prefer talking through their feelings. Debates become a specialty for Mars in Gemini, utilising their sharp wit to emerge victorious in arguments. These individuals tend to be talkative, sometimes bordering on verbal overflow, yet those with a more reserved disposition become chatty only when emotionally stirred. If there is a lot of mercury aspects in the chart, there can be issues with communicating. Mars in Gemini individuals channel their nervous energy, which is often at the root of various physical ups and downs. They may exhibit nitpicky tendencies when on edge. Many find an outlet for their energy through their hands, engaging in activities such as playing musical instruments, video games, or indulging in puzzles. Adaptability is a notable trait, with a penchant for thriving on change. While they may undertake numerous projects simultaneously, spreading themselves thin, sustained interest is not a prevalent feature. Focusing energies rather than dispersing them proves beneficial for Mars-in-Gemini individuals, despite their inherent versatility and aversion to routine, keeping them consistently engaged and busy.

Mars In Gemini Sexuality

With Mars positioned in Gemini, they tend to use their words in foreplay a lot. They can enjoy things like phone sex, sexting and talking during sex. Verbal exchange becomes the catalyst for their arousal, and they take great pleasure in the art of kissing. They enjoy oral sex and trying new things in the bedroom. Mars in Gemini is known for being super kinky and tend to be bi sexual. Role-playing holds a special appeal, provided it maintains a diverse and dynamic nature. In the bedroom, they generally offer an enjoyable experience, despite occasional interruptions from sudden bursts of speech during intimate moments. While an intellectual conversation might seem like a distraction to you, for them, it's merely an extension of foreplay. These lovers exhibit enthusiasm and curiosity, often exploring a variety of sexual expressions in a single session. However, despite their adventurous spirit, many individuals with this placement are not indiscriminate in their pursuits. The Gemini inclination to overanalyse introduces considerations of "buts" and "what ifs" into the sexual realm. Their intellectual engagement tends to take precedence over raw desires, shaping the character of their intimate encounters.


Mars In Cancer ♋

This placement tends to lean towards passive-aggressiveness, with individuals displaying a resistance to change and a tendency to avoid direct confrontations. Acting upon their emotions, they require a sense of security before taking action, making them appear slow at times. Their approach is encapsulated in the adage, "The best offense is defense," emphasising their strength lying in tenacity rather than overt assertiveness.  Mars in Cancer individuals often intertwine their sex drive with emotional needs, emanating a protective and almost therapeutic aura at their best. Their nurturing instinct is most pronounced when directed outward, where they serve as protectors of others. However, turning this energy inward may pose challenges, leading to over-sensitivity and excessive self-protection. Indifference is a significant threat to them, and they may resort to argumentativeness and manipulation in response. Variable energy levels, slow movements, and defensive reactions characterise their behaviour when feeling cornered. Emotional displays and difficulty venting frustrations may manifest erratically, with physical symptoms like stomach upsets arising from worry. Their inclination to dwell on matters is pronounced. Establishing continuity, routine, and discipline contributes to their happiness and strength. Action is propelled by emotions and moods for Mars in Cancer individuals, resulting in a perceived moodiness to others. Confidence and withdrawal mark their contrasting states of happiness and tension. They can instigate conflict when necessary. They are known for having big tempers however their tempers are only seen when provoked. Once provoked they will fight to the death! Mars in Cancer natives exude a calm strength that is both attractive and soothing. Instinctively self-protective and cautious, they excel in roles such as chefs, domestic engineers, caregivers, carpenters, sportsmen, and builders. With reassurance and confidence, they become protective, dependable, and helpful in the long run. Their preference for handling situations peacefully and humanely reflects a deep care for their loved ones and a readiness to confront injustice, authority, or tradition with bold fearlessness when needed. They are very protective of those they care about. If they see a loved one being threatened, they will be the first to jump in to defence.  Having Mars in Cancer on your side is truly a gift.  Once they have expressed their frustration, it feels like a release to them. This is why I always suggest getting into meditation, spiritual work, to tame their frustration. But getting into competitive sport is great for this placement. Getting into disciplined sport is a great way to help tame their frustration. 

Mars In Cancer Sexuality

With Mars in Cancer, you encounter one of the most tender and affectionate lovers. Between bouts of pouting, they transform into romantic and affectionate beings, exuding warmth towards you. Slave scenarios spark their passion, and they may appreciate a hint of assertiveness and aggression in the bedroom, provided it is accompanied by expressions of love. Some are enticed by the notion of creating a family, while others revel in the idea of belonging entirely to you during intimate moments. Recognised as the sign with breasts, they may play with both masculine and feminine stereotypes, at least in the realm of fantasy. Their desires remain somewhat veiled, requiring an intuitive understanding of their sexual needs. They tend to be more connected to the people they have been intimate with in the past and strive for emotional safety in their sexual partners.



 Mars In Leo ♌

In this Mars position, there is an inherent drive for significance. Individuals with Mars in Leo harbour a compelling need to create, driven by the conviction that their lives should not just have meaning but possess significant meaning. This Mars placement is exceptionally dynamic, with passions and desires running high. The strength of will within these individuals imparts remarkable staying power. While they revel in the pleasures of risk-taking, there is generally a strong sense of reason that prevails at the end of the day. They have have strong desires and have hot tempers. Their mannerisms can be very dramatic and animated as the purpose of leo is expression. Mars in Leo individuals often harbor well-defined ambitions, rarely leading a life devoid of a true sense of purpose or calling. They exude authority and power, and their personal magnetism usually grants them the ability to achieve their desires. Impatience with narrow-mindedness and disloyalty is a characteristic trait, as Mars in Leo individuals possess a strong idealistic streak. They ignite with fervor when they perceive humiliation and ardently defend their high principles. Acting from the heart, Mars in Leo natives intertwine their ego with their actions, deriving great pride from virtually everything they undertake. While some may exhibit self-righteousness and a quarrelsome nature, those with a more sophisticated approach become benevolent leaders.

Mars In Leo Sexuality

This is regarded as one of the more sexually charged positions of Mars. While easily aroused, the passion within Mars in Leo natives is enduring. They derive exceptional enjoyment from sex, provided it comes with substantial doses of love and romance. In partnerships, they insist on loyalty and admiration.

When Mars occupies Leo, fantasy often revolves around themes of devotion and attention. These individuals are most aroused when their partners treat them like gods or goddesses, and while they are attentive lovers, their natural inclination leans towards their own pleasure. Fueled by pride in their lovemaking abilities, they strive to be the best in bed. While some seek a partner to showcase, many prefer to avoid having two stars under the same roof. They are very performative in the bedroom and willing to take on different roles in the bedroom to please their partner. Adventure and risk taking is a turn on. Possessiveness and jealousy may be present, although often masked. These individuals might occasionally test their partners, and those feeling insecure may demand grand gestures to prove love. Mars in Leo individuals may embellish or fib in matters of love and sex to impress their partners. They are drawn to dynamics of inequality in sexual scenarios, yet they also appreciate regal settings. For them, separating love and sex proves challenging, as even their most erotic fantasies are infused with love and affection. At times, they may come on too strong and exhibit impatience when their needs aren't promptly met, but their direct sexual expression and openness in bed needs to be appreciated by their partners. 


Mars In Virgo

These individuals are driven by practical goals and exhibit a knack for multitasking, even if their endeavors occasionally appear scattered due to the multitude of tasks they handle simultaneously. Mars in Virgo natives are highly efficient, adept at managing a diverse array of responsibilities, and inclined to take on more than they might comfortably handle. In their natural state, Mars in Virgo individuals are not particularly aggressive (unless mars squares sun/moon/pluto). While they can be discerning and critical, they seldom resort to domineering tactics. However, an irritated Mars in Virgo native may become challenging to be around, transforming into a complaining and overly critical presence. Despite these occasional bouts, they generally avoid making themselves nuisances, and such phases are typically short-lived. Nevertheless, their sensitivity is notable, as it takes little to make them nervous. They tend to be very anxious in their mannerisms and react towards scenarios with anxiety. Protective of their systematic approach to tasks, Mars in Virgo individuals, while generally humble, can be particular about their methods, particularly in how they organise and achieve their goals, especially in their work. Their energy is marked by a nervous quality, and although they possess staying power, restlessness prevails, making them less inclined to adhere to the same projects for extended periods. These individuals draw significant energy and vitality from their engagements, whether it be work, hobbies, or various projects. An idle Mars in Virgo native is easily discernible through fidgetiness, nervousness, and worry, indicating either a lack of activity or an overwhelming workload. Perfectionism underlies their approach, despite their denial, with concerns arising when they are not producing or questioning whether their output will meet standards. Mars in virgo needs to work on strengthening their health. there is usually a chronic health issue, disease, or multiple issues going on at once that the individual needs to work on in this lifetime.


Mars In Virgo Sexuality

Mars in Virgo natives display an earthy and occasionally anxious sexuality, mirroring their work ethic. Similar to their professional endeavors, they aspire to excel in bed, exhibiting openness to experimentation to satisfy curiosity and feel proficient. There is often a shy and humble dimension to their sexuality, particularly in areas that involve putting themselves forward and relinquishing control. Despite initial reservations, their drive for experience and knowledge triumphs over their inherent reticence.

Mars in Virgo is a generally healthy attitude towards sex. For them, sex is viewed as a natural bodily function essential for health and overall well-being. Whether engaged with a partner or in solo endeavors, they find release from everyday stresses and tensions through sexual expression. Their arousal is sparked by individuals who may have gone unnoticed, and they prefer simplicity and sweetness in their bed partners. The notion of being a devoted partner or even a "slave" in the bedroom ignites their passion. They enjoy giving oral sex to their partner. They derive satisfaction from performing thoughtful gestures for their partner and feel a surge of excitement when their efforts are acknowledged. Although they may harbor some insecurity about their own bodies, they compensate by paying meticulous attention to the methods that arouse their partners. Respectful of preferences, they focus on what has proven successful in previous experiences. Despite the association of Virgo with the concept of a virgin, this Mars placement suggests they may appear more selective than they truly are. In reality, they embrace imperfections and revel in nurturing a partner in need of care, turning the relationship into a fulfilling project. Their fantasies often center around the downtrodden and inexperienced, reflecting insatiable curiosity about sex, although this curiosity may often remain in the realm of fantasy. Virgo individuals find allure in watching and observing, and their unique approach to sex challenges the stereotype of being overly picky. Eager to please in lovemaking, they often surpass the efforts of other signs. Unafraid of getting dirty within the confines of a healthy relationship, they dispel misconceptions about their sexual preferences and demonstrate a genuine desire for intimacy and connection.



Mars In Libra

Mars in Libra individuals tend to engage in thoughtful reflection before taking action, as decisiveness isn't their strong suit. The inclination to procrastinate often arises from their need to carefully evaluate all alternatives before committing to a course of action. However, they make great decisions after the procrastination.  While life may not always be fair, Mars in Libra individuals resist accepting this notion readily, differing from the perspective of Mars in Scorpio. Their overarching goal is to lead a peaceful existence, yet their desire for balance can inadvertently stir up conflicts. Despite this, they adeptly play the role of the innocent when faced with challenges, charming others effortlessly. Passive-aggressiveness becomes a defining trait in this position, as they strive to avoid appearing mean or unfair, leading to subtle and covert behaviors. Conversely, some Mars in Libra individuals channel their energy into action, advocating for justice and fairness in the world. They may avoid uncomfortable conversations, or triggering subjects purely to keep a peaceful environment. This can be an influenced from the environment they were raised in where they may have tried to be the harmony in their parents relationship, or the reason why their parents stayed together. Teaching them to sacrifice their desires for the sake of harmony. 

On a positive note, these individuals showcase a talent for anticipating problems and discord well in advance. Their ability to compromise and excel in conflict management stands out, contributing to their capacity to navigate and resolve interpersonal challenges with finesse.

Mars In Libra Sexuality

With Mars positioned in Libra, considerable effort is invested in pleasing their partners. These individuals possess a quiet yet provocative demeanor, often seeking balance and perfection in their relationships, even at inopportune moments. In the realm of intimacy, they aspire for romance and find excitement in refining their lovemaking skills, particularly enjoying role-playing sex games. A strong desire for change and growth characterises their sexual expression, and they approach lovemaking with a giving spirit while expecting reciprocity from their partners. To seduce Mars In Libra, they need to be romanced. They don't necessarily like to jump straight into bed. Romance is an important part of seduction. They enjoy someone who is domineering in the bedroom. They are usually introduced into kinks by their partners. While they may tolerate being influenced for a time, it's crucial for their partners to recognise that maintaining fairness is the key to keeping Libra lovers content. These individuals can exhibit selectivity regarding the mood and atmosphere during intimate moments, challenging the common attribution of this trait to Virgo. Nevertheless, when their desires are met, Libra lovers become attentive and thoughtful, displaying a charming ability to make their partners feel valued and considered. 


Mars In Scorpio

Individuals with Mars in Scorpio thrive on challenging themselves to accomplish the seemingly impossible, pouring concentrated energy and formidable willpower into their endeavors. Despite maintaining a cool and composed exterior, beneath the surface lies a complex realm that they guard closely, rarely allowing others easy access. Gifted with an innate ability to see through people, Mars in Scorpio individuals rely on gut feelings and may possess a knack for exploiting situations.

Considered to have the strongest sexual stamina among all Mars positions, these individuals are often drawn to taboos, incorporating fantasies that shatter societal norms. Their sexual allure is potent, enabling them to fulfill their desires with partners who willingly submit to their every whim. Reluctant to share their partners, Mars in Scorpio individuals adhere to a black-and-white philosophy of life, favoring decisive choices over compromise.

Unwavering in their pursuit of challenges and change, they constantly test themselves and those around them, establishing rules and goals for the personal satisfaction derived from overcoming them. Embracing their animalistic nature in moments of solitude without guilt, Mars in Scorpio individuals exude a provocative quality, particularly evident in their youth and persisting into adulthood in more controlled expressions.

In cases of low self-esteem, these individuals may manifest twisted behaviors by projecting self-loathing onto others, engaging in manipulation and harboring resentment. In stark contrast to Mars in Libra's pursuit of fairness, Mars in Scorpio acknowledges the inherent unfairness of life.

Mars In Scorpio Sexuality

Mars positioned in Scorpio unveils a complex sexual nature. Individuals sharing this placement often exhibit a common intensity and profound depth in their sexual desires, yet the manifestation varies based on their personal development. Some are drawn to power dynamics and find allure in breaking taboos. These passionate lovers are open to exploring diverse pleasures, willing to engage in almost anything to fulfill their desires. On the contrary, others assert control by adopting an elusive stance, abstaining for extended periods until deeming their partner worthy. Despite these differences, a common thread in Scorpio's sexual expression is the commitment and intensity they promise in the realm of intimacy. Provocative yet inherently private, most individuals with Mars in Scorpio maintain a discreet approach, valuing the sanctity of their intimate experiences. Scorpio's sexual fantasies span a wide spectrum, reflecting their multifaceted desires.

Mars In Sagittarius

When individuals with Mars in Sagittarius experience anger, their immediate impulse is to engage in action, often driven by a strong desire to run away from the source of frustration. Patience is not a virtue they possess, prompting them to opt for physical activity as a valuable means of anger management. Mars in Sagittarius individuals are renowned for initiating numerous projects simultaneously, although their challenge lies in follow-through, as they easily abandon idea's when a new, exciting idea captures their attention. Typically playful and fun-loving, these individuals thrive in friendly debates, albeit occasionally taking disagreements personally. Despite their passionate convictions, they may not thoroughly think through their arguments, displaying a penchant for "winging it." Bluntness characterises their communication style, especially evident in intimate relationships, where they prioritise open-mindedness and good humor, disliking intricate or overly serious sexual encounters. Mars in Sagittarius individuals possess a warm-blooded and easy-going demeanor, interspersed with intense and impassioned moments. Their aversion to confinement or restriction and the need for personal space sometimes leads them to temporarily withdraw from serious or monotonous situations. While they can adopt a moralistic stance during arguments, they swiftly return to their fun-loving nature. Accustomed to persuading others to adopt their beliefs, they may feel frustrated when encountering dissenting opinions or critiques of their theories. They can be defensive when challenged on their beliefs. 

Mars In Sagittarius Sexuality

Mars in Sagittarius' approach to sex mirrors that of a sport—an energetic and enthusiastic undertaking. These lovers exhibit a refreshing candor, openly expressing their desires and needs with an almost innocent frankness. Bedtime is a source of joy for them, and laughter and playful roughhousing are key ingredients for arousal. Their sexual encounters tend to be somewhat selfish, with a clear emphasis on fulfilling their own desires. For Sagittarius lovers, games are entirely acceptable as long as they remain uncomplicated and time-efficient. Patience is in short supply when it comes to individuals who play hard to get or engage in excessive romance. Seriousness and intricate romantic gestures are met with a lack of enthusiasm. The preferred approach to sex with Mars in Sagittarius individuals is a direct and spontaneous one—just dive in and enjoy the experience. Post-sex conversations can follow, if necessary, but the emphasis is on the act itself rather than intricate preludes or extended discussions. Seducing a Mars In Sagittarius under a waterfall or on a hike are adventurous and unpredictable for them. They also are likely to have a large sexual appetite. 


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