Venus In Scorpio In The Natal Chart

Venus In Scorpio In The Natal Chart

Lets discuss the background. Venus is the planet of love and romance. Every planet in our chart is linked to our parents. Our chart is basically a mock up of what our parents experienced in their lives which we then inherit as a purpose and to experience within our charts. Venus is in detriment here as Venus rules the opposing sign Taurus. What does this mean? When Venus comes into Scorpio, you would have likely witnessed your parents relationship crumble or a parent had a lot of bad things to say about another parent in front of you. This can happen at anytime throughout your life. You would be 22 and your parents are happily together. You might be well into your 40s and your parents might experience a divorce and one parent is bad mouthing another parent. Please bare in mind anything can change at any age.

A lot of people who have their Venus in Scorpio can experience a lot of trauma surrounding love and romance. Scorpio is intense, transformational, controlling and obsessive. It is not uncommon for people to experience a lot of relationship trauma. Scorpio is the sign of death, rebirth, sex and passion. It is a powerful sign that can be used positively or negatively. The best thing to do if you have your Venus in Scorpio is to learn how to embrace these intense emotions and use them as tools rather than letting them control you. Every sign has a fear. Scorpios fear is betrayal. You can very easily feel like your partner might betray you at some point hence why you are so obsessive and controlling through fear of losing control of your partner. Its important to look at the psychological reasons behind why you may feel that way. Starting with your childhood. What did you witness between your parents that makes you scared of losing control? What happened in your first relationship that makes you fearful of losing control? There will be a common theme to look for.

To have a Venus in Scorpio, you can be a Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius or a Capricorn Sun. Each of the Suns express themselves differently with the Venus in Scorpio. Having the Venus in Scorpio makes them a lot of more intense when it comes to the way they express love. Its important for Venus in Scorpio to learn healthy ways surrounding their relationships to avoid being isolated. Due to the level of intensity Scorpio associates with love, its easy for Venus in Scorpio to find love through sex and intense relationships. The better the sex, the more Venus in Scorpio falls for their partner. The Sex needs to be transformational and orgasmic for them to fold. This is why its hard for them to move on from a previous relationship if they believe the sex was great.

People ask whether Venus in Scorpio cheat. I believe anybody has the ability to heat on their partners. However in my experience, for a Venus in Scorpio to cheat, it would be for the need of intensity and a deep intense connection with who they are cheating with. 


When dating a Venus in Scorpio, they are not always so blatant with their interest towards you, they can be very secretive about how much they like you. You will know that they are into you the more they share about themselves. You might notice that Venus in Scorpios ask a lot of prying questions and may not share too much about themselves. Once a relationship has been established, Venus in Scorpio can struggle to admit to wanting to control the direction of the relationship or their partners. This is when their fear has officially kicked in. They are afraid to be completely vulnerable and once they have been, they feel they have lost complete control and anyone can take their heart and run it over. Even if their partner have not given them a reason not to trust them the fear is still there. Jealousy is an emotion that is common for this placement. Due to the level of intensity, its common for them to start arguments and have a lot of drama in their relationships due to trust issues or being jealous. Even with all this fear, these are some of the most committed people I have met in my life in terms of their relationships. As long as they feel deep love and sexual connection, they are content.

As this is Scorpio energy, they need to work on Psychologically evolving. All the intense relationships they experience is supposed to lead them to evolve. Even if they have been hurt in a previous relationship, how can they they be reflective in order to move forward. Asking questions like, what did I stay for so long? Why do I always choose to date partners like this? What did I learn about the way I loved? Being reflective leaves room for personal development. Due to this sign being in detriment, its important to work on the self in love here. 

Scorpio Moon

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 Author @HoneysAstro

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