New Moon Progressed Meaning

New Moon Progressed Meaning

The new moon embodies enthusiasm, high energy, and a focus on new beginnings. Each month, during a regular new moon, we experience this exhilarating energy, signalling a fresh start. When a new moon occurs in your progressed chart, the energy becomes even more potent, tailored specifically for you. Moreover, the impact lasts longer compared to regular new moons, spanning approximately 2-3 years instead of just two weeks. This extended period allows for a lasting and transformative new chapter in your life.

While the strongest effects are felt when the new moon is exact, you can begin sensing its energy building up beforehand and feel its influence even after the exact moment. It is an opportune time for embarking on a new journey, initiating a fresh chapter, and often symbolises a significant transition.

The influence of the progressed new moon is particularly powerful when it aligns with your Sun or Moon sign (either natal or progressed), or when it occurs in the natal or progressed 1st house, which governs the self. Additionally, its effects are intensified when it forms aspects with natal or progressed planets (with closer aspects carrying more influence), with conjunctions having the strongest impact. This alignment can trigger substantial personal growth and may bring attention to you in various ways.

If the progressed new moon falls on the 29th degree, also known as the anaretic degree, it can be highly energising and signify the start of something monumental. However, it may present challenges as well, as the intensity of the energy may feel overwhelming at times. It is important to maintain control and avoid overexertion.

Another potential challenge arises when the progressed new moon is intercepted in your natal or progressed chart. Intercepted refers to the sign in which it occurs not aligning with any house cusp but rather being contained within the previous sign's house. This containment may result in a quieter manifestation of the progressed new moon's energy. It is crucial to address any subconscious barriers that may arise during this period to fully benefit from the energy.

Finally, it is worth noting if the progressed new moon coincides with the same sign as your progressed North or South Node. In such cases, it signifies a progressed solar eclipse, magnifying the energy of new beginnings exponentially. This represents a significant opportunity for embarking on a transformative journey, revitalising your life with incredible enthusiasm and garnering attention.

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