Solar Return Moon Through The Houses

Solar Return Moon Through The Houses

 Solar Return Blogs:

This is a concise description of the Moon Through The Houses. Please bare in mind the house the Moon rules, and the aspects to the Moon will create a personalised expression of the Moon for your Solar Return. I have a Solar Return Class you can download to understand how to read a Solar Return with full descriptions below:

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Solar Return Moon In The 1st House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 1st house suggests a year where emotions, instincts, and inner experiences strongly influence your sense of self and outward expression. It indicates a potential emphasis on emotional sensitivity, self-awareness, and personal needs taking precedence. This placement may indicate a period of heightened emotional responsiveness, self-nurturing, and a desire for emotional authenticity. It can also suggest a year of fluctuating moods, heightened intuition, and a deeper connection with your own emotions and inner world. This placement often signifies a period of personal growth and self-discovery through emotional exploration. For many, this can indicate the birth of a baby. Especially If Jupiter is transiting the 5th house natally, or your natal 4th or 5th house is your rising sign.


Solar Return Moon In The 2nd House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 2nd house suggests a year focused on emotional security, financial matters, and personal values. It indicates a potential emphasis on finding emotional satisfaction through material resources and financial stability. This placement may indicate a period of increased sensitivity to your financial situation, the desire to establish a sense of stability and comfort, and potential fluctuations in income or expenses. It can also suggest a year of aligning your emotional needs with your personal values, seeking emotional fulfilment through material possessions, and exploring how your self-worth is connected to your financial well-being.


Solar Return Moon In The 3rd House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 3rd house suggests a year focused on communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. It indicates a potential emphasis on emotional connections through conversations, gathering information, and expressing your thoughts and feelings. This placement may indicate a period of increased sensitivity to your immediate environment, heightened intuition in understanding others' perspectives, and a desire to deepen your knowledge and skills. It can also suggest a year of enhanced emotional bonds with siblings, neighbours, or close community members. This placement encourages emotional exploration through mental activities, such as writing, teaching, or engaging in stimulating discussions.


Solar Return Moon In The 4th House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 4th house suggests a year focused on home, family, and emotional foundations. It indicates a potential emphasis on nurturing your personal life, strengthening family bonds, and finding emotional security within your living environment. This placement may indicate a period of increased sensitivity to your domestic life, a desire for comfort and stability, and a focus on creating a harmonious home environment. It can also suggest a year of emotional healing, introspection, and reconnecting with your roots or ancestral heritage. This placement encourages you to prioritise self-care, emotional well-being, and finding a sense of belonging within your family and private life.


Solar Return Moon In The 5th House

With the Solar Return Moon in the 5th house, the upcoming year is likely to revolve around themes of self-expression, creativity, and personal enjoyment. This placement implies a heightened emotional connection to activities that bring joy, pleasure, and a sense of playfulness. The focus shifts towards individual passions, hobbies, and artistic pursuits, as the emotional fulfillment is sought through creative expressions. Romance plays a role this year. You may focus more your intimacy with a love interest, or you may meet someone of importance. There's a potential inclination towards expressing feelings openly and engaging in activities that provide a sense of delight and excitement. This placement also suggests that the individual may find emotional satisfaction through interactions with children or engaging in childlike activities. The year encourages a more spontaneous and expressive approach to life, emphasising the importance of finding joy in personal pursuits and allowing the heart to guide creativity. 


Solar Return Moon In The 6th House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 6th house suggests a year focused on health, daily routines, and service-oriented activities. It indicates a potential emphasis on emotional well-being through taking care of your physical body and establishing productive habits. This placement may indicate a period of heightened sensitivity to your work environment, a desire for emotional fulfilment through serving others, and a focus on maintaining a balanced lifestyle. It can also suggest a year of increased awareness of your emotional needs in relation to your daily responsibilities, finding emotional satisfaction through being of service, and taking steps to improve your overall well-being.


Solar Return Moon In The 7th House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 7th house suggests a year where emotional fulfilment and focus revolve around relationships and partnerships. It indicates a potential emphasis on deepening emotional connections, seeking harmony, and finding support through significant others. This placement may indicate a period of heightened sensitivity to the needs and emotions of others, a desire for balance and cooperation, and a focus on forming or strengthening romantic or business partnerships. It can also suggest a year of emotional growth through learning from others, practicing compromise, and developing a stronger sense of empathy and understanding in your interactions with people.


Solar Return Moon In The 8th House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 8th house suggests a year focused on emotional transformation, shared resources, and deep psychological experiences. It indicates a potential emphasis on exploring your innermost feelings, delving into the depths of your psyche, and undergoing profound emotional changes. This placement may indicate a period of increased emotional intensity, heightened intuition, and a potential for significant emotional growth through facing fears or exploring taboo subjects. It can also suggest a year of increased awareness of power dynamics in relationships, potential financial or emotional transformations, and a desire for deeper emotional intimacy and connection with others. We usually see someone moving house or the home environment changing. Financially you may end up having to support someone close to you. You can discover a lot of family issues during this time. Analysing your family psychologically. Finding out family secrets.


Solar Return Moon In The 9th House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 9th house suggests a year focused on emotional expansion, learning, and spiritual growth. It indicates a potential emphasis on exploring new horizons, broadening your perspective, and seeking emotional fulfillment through higher knowledge and wisdom. This placement may indicate a period of increased sensitivity to different belief systems, cultures, or philosophies, and a desire for meaningful experiences through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits. It can also suggest a year of emotional growth through exploring new ideas, embracing a sense of adventure, and seeking a deeper understanding of the world and your place within it.


Solar Return Moon In The 10th House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 10th house suggests a year focused on emotions, public image, and career aspirations. It indicates a potential emphasis on emotional fulfilment through professional achievements, recognition, and your public reputation. This placement may indicate a period of increased sensitivity to how you are perceived by others, a desire for emotional satisfaction through career success, and a focus on establishing a solid reputation in your chosen field. It can also suggest a year of emotional growth through taking on leadership roles, aligning your emotions with your professional goals, and finding a sense of purpose and fulfilment in your public life. This placement can indicate more of a focus towards home, family, and in some cases we can see the birth of a new baby being the focus. Becoming a mother. Career tends to change. Look at the 6th house to see whether Saturn, Pluto or Uranus is placed there.


Solar Return Moon Through The 11th House

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 11th house suggests a year focused on emotions, friendships, and social connections. It indicates a potential emphasis on finding emotional fulfilment through your network of friends, community involvement, and group activities. This placement may indicate a period of increased sensitivity to social dynamics, a desire for emotional support from like-minded individuals, and a focus on cultivating meaningful friendships. It can also suggest a year of emotional growth through collaboration, shared goals, and involvement in social causes or group projects. This placement encourages you to nurture your relationships, seek emotional fulfilment through your social circle, and find a sense of belonging within a community.

Solar Return Moon Through The 12th house

Having the Solar Return Moon in the 12th house suggests a year focused on emotions, spirituality, and inner reflection. It indicates a potential emphasis on exploring your subconscious mind, connecting with your intuition, and seeking emotional fulfillment through solitude and introspection. This placement may indicate a period of increased sensitivity to subtle energies, a desire for privacy, and a need for emotional retreat or healing. It can also suggest a year of heightened spiritual experiences, dreams, and a deepening connection with your own inner world. This placement encourages you to listen to your intuition, honor your emotional needs, and engage in practices that promote emotional and spiritual well-being.


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1 comment

I am currently experiencing SR Scorpio Moon in the 11th, while have a 4 planet 3rd house stellium and so far I’ve went viral (had viral backlash) from being on this Pop the balloon show twice and can say I can clearly see now that I’m deeper in my SR energy that I definitely found my self needing some type of emotional support from like-minded individuals, however it feels like I’m such an outcast, which I have experienced before as I am a Aries Rising & Venus with a 12th house Pisces Stellium, however I am grateful that I am putting my self out there regardless..

Taylore C.Y. Evans

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