Capricorn Moon on The Natal Chart

Capricorn Moon on The Natal Chart

Cancer rules the moon, cancer/moon is home to the 4th house. The 4th house represents emotions, roots, mother, foundations, food, securities and comforts. Capricorn opposes cancer and rules Saturn. Saturn represents learning lessons, restrictions, routines, regulations, working through things, and responsibilities. Ever wondered why people always call you cold? well if you have aspects to Neptune and Venus or those are your dominants, you may not relate to being called so cold.

Capricorn is a sign of ambition, discipline and responsibility. It is also the sign that rules over the zodiacal sign of Aquarius.

Capricorn is one of the hardest signs to understand in astrology. It's not just because they are difficult to describe, but also because they can be very complex people with many layers of personality traits that make them different from other people.

The Moon in Capricorn describes how you process your emotions, how you react to what happens to you and around you, and how you want to be nurtured. It is the sensitive, soft part of your personality (your soul).

The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn. It does not express with ease the same way other signs do placed here. People with a Capricorn moon can be insecure and we are experience periods of depression. Cancer opposes Capricorn which is the sign the moon is most comfortable in.

This placement indicates a reliable, disciplined, serious person who is committed to their goals. We tend to use our logic over emotional vulnerability which makes it harder for us to empathise and relate to the emotions of others.

Capricorn is a sign of ambition, discipline and responsibility. It is also the sign that rules over the zodiacal sign of Aquarius.

Capricorn is one of the hardest signs to understand in astrology. It's not just because they are difficult to describe, but also because they can be very complex people with many layers of personality traits that make them different from other people.

The early environment of the Capricorn moon usually derives from a lack of emotional needs. Capricorn moons grow up in environments where they have to grow up early. Some Capricorn moons such as myself always feel older than what we actually was due to taking on board more responsibility than we should have. Our Mothers usually depended on us, could have been a little older, or were the bread winners in the family and had a lot of responsibility on them which can make them very serious and not as much fun as you would like them to be. We would grow up and see our mothers be stressed, work really hard and handle many responsibilities. Naturally, us Capricorn moons take it among ourselves to 'safe' our mothers from so much responsibilities by trying to take it on board for ourselves. We see the stress they go through and want our mother to rely on us. 

I remember being 8 years old and applying for a Saturday job at a horse stables across the road from my house to releive my mother from working so much. If I could work and help her financially, maybe she would be happier. This is typical for Capricorn moon. We feel a sense of fulfilment by working hard and setting goals. 

A lot of people with a Capricorn moon have a struggled relationship with their mothers due to the lack of emotional support. Capricorn moons must learn to be emotionally vulnerable if they want to keep people in their lives. It can be lonely and depressing when Capricorn moon does lot let itself be seen and vulnerable with those closes to them. Once they master the art of vulnerability, they will notice their relationship with relating to women gets better.


 - Author Honey. Follow me Instagram | Twitter

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