Nodal Return - Transit Nodes to the Natal Nodes

Nodal Return - Transit Nodes to the Natal Nodes

Nodal Transits

The North and South Nodes serve as markers for our karmic or spiritual life lessons, depending on one's perspective.

The South Node, symbolises what you carry with you into this lifetime—your existing knowledge, skills, and experiences. It's the realm where your actions flow instinctively, representing what comes naturally to you. This is your refuge, the place where you tend to revert to for comfort, and the space in which you may find yourself getting stuck.

Conversely, the North Node, known as the Dragon's Head, points toward your forward trajectory. It signifies the path you are urged (sometimes even forcefully pushed) to follow. This is your calling, your spiritual mission, the pivotal point in your spiritual and soul development. It often presents a challenge because it requires stepping out of your comfort zone. Embracing new experiences that broaden your horizons can be uncomfortable, even frightening, yet filled with untapped potential. Ultimately, fulfilling the North Node's demands brings a profound sense of fulfillment.

However, it's essential to recognise that in pursuing the path of the North Node, you are not discarding the South Node. The South Node is not inherently negative. These nodes are intrinsically interconnected. Instead, it's about harnessing the wisdom gained from the South Node and applying it to the challenges associated with fulfilling the North Node's mission.

In simpler terms, think of the dragon's tail as the part of the dragon that releases what it has already digested, enriching the soil for new growth. But to avoid the feeling of emptiness, often experienced as a sense of something missing, it's crucial to nourish the dragon at its head, where the North Node resides.

The zodiac sign in which the Nodes are positioned indicates the type of energy you are working with, while the house position highlights the specific area of your life where these nodal themes are most likely to manifest.


Transiting Nodes

Typically, the transiting Nodes complete their journey around the astrological chart in approximately 19 years (with an average of 18.6 years, considering the mean node). Their movement is primarily retrograde, underscoring their deeply personal and introspective nature.

When transiting Nodes align with the natal Nodes, it can trigger experiences and emotions that feel predestined in some way. These transits propel you towards embracing the teachings of your North Node while challenging you to recognise the qualities and limitations of the South Node. Frequently, these moments are marked by encounters with individuals who have the potential to profoundly impact your life or by undergoing transformative experiences. Dreams, synchronicities, and intuitive insights often play a significant role in receiving the messages of these transits.

Outlined below are the most significant transiting Nodal aspects in relation to the natal nodes, which include the conjunction, square, and opposition. I've also provided approximate ages and potential manifestations to be mindful of during these times. Additionally, I've shared some of my own personal experiences to provide a glimpse into the nature of these transits. It's important to note that your specific nodal transit years may vary slightly from mine.


Reverse Nodal Return

Ages – 9, 27, 46, 65, 83

The alignment of the transiting North Node with the natal South Node, sometimes referred to as the 'Reverse Nodal Return' or 'Counter Nodal Return,' marks a significant turning point where the past converges with the present while the future beckons. During this period, you find closure with past events, enabling you to break free and move forward toward your future goals. Detachment and newfound revelations accompany this alignment, offering you a fresh perspective as existing views are upended, much like the symbolism of the Hanged Man in Tarot. Denial is left behind, replaced by a realistic assessment of your circumstances and choices, with a focus on facing the consequences. This transit encourages you to confront your vulnerabilities, learn from past experiences, rediscover hidden talents rooted in your South Node, and integrate the wisdom you've gained thus far. It's a transformative phase of release, awakening, and personal growth that prompts you to reevaluate your life's direction and make necessary adjustments.


Transit Nodes Square Natal Nodes

Ages - 4, 13, 23, 32, 41, 51, 60, 69

You might find yourself torn between the familiar comforts of your past and the calling of your future destiny. During this phase, you may experience a degree of hesitation, as you sense the need to amass greater strength, support, courage, or faith in yourself and your spiritual convictions before you can advance. It's possible that you're attempting to preserve elements of your life, such as a career, relationship, or other aspects of your lifestyle which no longer align with your personal growth and are, in fact, placing constraints on your evolution. The longer you cling to these outdated elements, the closer you come to a point where these conflicts become insurmountable, compelling you to confront a choice you may be hesitant to make. Even if there's a desire to move forward, it's likely that you may lack the immediate means to do so or need to acquire further lessons and insights that will empower you to find your path and initiate the necessary transformations.


 Transit North Node Conjunct Natal North Node

Ages - 18, 37, 55, 74

During the period of the Nodal Return, whether the experiences are positive or challenging, they carry a potent sense of being intricately tied to your destiny. It might feel as though you're magnetically drawn to certain individuals who are poised to make a profound impact on your life. You may also discover an irresistible urge to act on certain instincts, even if it means venturing beyond your comfort zone. This impulse stems from the expansion of your consciousness and the realisation that fulfilling your true purpose necessitates specific actions. Hesitation driven by fear can only result in a lingering sense of unfulfillment until you yield to your calling. Even when external events force you out of your comfort zone, you may find the presence of numerous fortunate safety nets to break your fall, preventing you from hitting rock bottom entirely. Furthermore, you may realize that you possess the resources necessary to not only persevere but also thrive and rebuild, even in the face of challenges and losses.


Transit North Node Quincunx Natal North Node

You're gaining awareness of how your innate abilities align with your life's purpose. While you grasp the bigger picture, you might not yet have a concrete strategy to address the finer details. There's a tendency to rush into action without first mastering the basics, attempting to achieve too much too quickly. It's possible that you'll require more experience and personal growth before you can fully embrace your mission without resorting to extreme measures and still missing the mark. During this time, don't underestimate the importance of connections and relationships. Subtle cues and intuitions from those around you may provide valuable guidance. Prepare for ongoing adjustments to your plans. You might find yourself experimenting with various options before discerning the path that best suits you. This process of trial and error is integral to your journey toward fulfilling your purpose.


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