Saturn Square Saturn Transit
Ages - 7, 21, 37, 51
This is often a period of adjustment to the outcomes of certain choices you made in the past, perhaps seven years ago. If you continue to push forward now, you may encounter obstacles that cause you to reassess your course. Generally whatever direction you pursue requires effort, and things tend to fall out of place rather than into place at this time. An improper fit, however, may give you a good idea of what is not working and lead you to what is effective. Answers sometimes arrive from a process of elimination rather than from an affirmative approach. When I turned 21, Saturn was at 29 degrees of Libra (libra ruling relationships), moving through my 5th house (of romance), opposing my Natal Sun in Aries. I went through an ugly breakup that left me feeling isolated and publically humiliated.
Occasionally this is a turning point in your life where you come to grips with certain realities that you may have ignored, avoided, or just not realised. Fantasies and ill-conceived dreams usually come down to earth during this cycle due to conditions that tend to ground you rather than set you free. Limitations may frustrate you if you resist them, and you tend to struggle if you are unsure of your objectives and your ability to achieve them. One purpose of any restrictions that you experience now is to help you focus on the need to conserve your options and to commit only to those that you can handle. Being able to distinguish between the important and unimportant is a key test of this interval.
Typically conditions force you to contract rather than to expand, and you may have to cut your losses if you are spread too thin. You can prosper now if you take one step at a time and are certain of your goal. Often circumstances challenge your commitment, however, and it is easy for doubt to arise if you lack the resolve whenever there is a major problem to confront. But this period can make you stronger and more dedicated to what you must follow because of the magnitude of some of the issues that you might encounter. Success occurs when you learn from your experiences so that you are well prepared for the next test when it comes.
Difficulties with authorities can manifest during this cycle. Questions may arise about your status, and the way you manage your life. It is possible that your own authority is under scrutiny where you have to take responsibility for your decisions that others may dispute, and you may lack the effectiveness you once enjoyed. Certain obligations may weigh upon you, especially if you worry unduly. This cycle can humble you but also elevate you when you accept all that you cannot control and can appreciate your life for what it is as it is. It is a time to slow down and make some hard choices which can make your life easier both now and in the future.
Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn
Saturn Opposition: Ages 14, 44, 74This cycle has the capacity to either bring your growth to a standstill or mark a point of accomplishment. It's a phase where the consequences of decisions made, possibly around 14 years ago, become strikingly evident. If you find contentment in the progress of specific aspects of your life, such as your career and personal goals, this period can offer you fulfillment and due recognition for your diligent efforts. In some cases, it may even bestow added responsibilities due to your high level of competence. Conversely, if you're dissatisfied with your current status, this period can heighten those feelings, and barriers on your path or toward a new direction may appear insurmountable.
The conditions tend to decelerate your pace, potentially bringing certain endeavors to a halt so that you can thoroughly assess what is effective and what isn't. While you might already be aware of some of these realities, this cycle can make them impossible to ignore or evade. The advantage lies in the heightened awareness you can attain when you're left with little choice but to confront what's right before you. Profound insights can emerge during this time, revealing necessary adjustments and elucidating your true priorities, particularly those objectives that contribute to long-lasting security. Although you can make decisions that ultimately reshape the course of your life, the alternative of taking no action and waiting it out remains. The frustrations, though they often peak during this period, generally subside when it concludes. Nevertheless, they are likely to resurface every seven years until the necessary changes are made to align what's out of place.
This cycle is one of those obligatory circumstances that may not always be pleasant but serves to keep you grounded and in touch with reality. At times, external factors or people may challenge what you've taken for granted, creating a sense of uncertainty. Even if you're well-established, events may compel you to question your commitments. Typically, the purpose is to expose any weaknesses and shortcomings so that they can be addressed, reinforcing what is already in place.
Your ability to effectively handle any limitations that surface depends largely on your range of experience. Older individuals often find this cycle easier to manage, as wisdom tends to develop through repeated encounters with resistance, leading to a greater acceptance of whatever unfolds. This doesn't imply passivity but rather an acknowledgment of your own and others' limitations, and a willingness to work with them rather than against them. You also gain insight into your strengths, learning to emphasise them rather than being sidetracked by trivial concerns. Regardless of your age, this is a time for personal growth and assuming greater responsibility for the choices and decisions you've made.
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