I made a video detailing what happened during my personal Saturn return and advising those what they might expect. I also did a series of Saturn Through the Houses/Signs and what to expect for your Saturn return on YouTube.
Saturn Return refers to a significant astrological phenomenon that occurs when the planet Saturn completes its first orbit around the Sun after an individual's birth. It typically happens around the ages of 28-30, again at 58-60, and once more at 88-90, as Saturn takes approximately 29.5 years to complete its orbit.
Saturn Return is considered a pivotal period in a person's life, often marked by profound personal and professional transformations. Here are some key aspects to understand about Saturn Return:
During Saturn Return, individuals are prompted to reflect on their lives, goals, and choices made thus far. It is a time of introspection and evaluation, where you may question your life's direction, purpose, and overall satisfaction. This period often brings a sense of urgency to make necessary changes and align your life with your authentic self. Saturn is associated with discipline, responsibility, and structure. Saturn Return challenges you to establish a solid foundation for your future, both personally and professionally. It urges you to take ownership of your life, face reality, and make the necessary commitments and sacrifices required for long-term success. Saturn Return can bring significant life transitions and challenges. It often coincides with career changes, relationship shifts, or shifts in personal identity. These transitions may feel daunting and may involve facing obstacles, limitations, and hard truths. However, they also provide opportunities for personal growth, maturity, and resilience.
Saturn Return commonly coincides with shifts in romantic relationships. It is a time when you reevaluate your commitments and may choose to deepen or end partnerships that no longer align with your long-term goals. This period also emphasises the importance of building healthy and sustainable relationships based on mutual respect and shared values. You want to look at whether Saturn is forming any aspect to your personal planets. In my personal experience, I have Saturn square ny Natal Sun. Saturn and the Sun can both be linked to the father. At the time I found out my dad was diagnosed with 2 types of cancer at stage 4. I ended up taking on board a lot of stress with the appointments and trying to keep the family (his children) 'together' during a tough time. As Saturn return lasts roughly 9 months, I ended up falling out with some of the siblings and also my dad. It was not a great time. But I did feel like I had grown in the process in terms of boundaries as a 12th house sun. Saturn Return serves as a period of profound personal growth. The challenges and lessons encountered during this time often lead to increased self-awareness, wisdom, and a stronger sense of purpose. It encourages you to take responsibility for your actions, learn from past mistakes, and embrace personal maturity.
The lessons I learnt during my Saturn Return transit was where I stood with my father. As much as my dad played a huge role in my Saturn return, my Saturn was transiting through the 9th house. This was the pandemic year. I had travelled so much the year before, I booked two huge holidays and they were cancelled. I also struggled with my career. I lost a lot of passion for my craft and I felt unappreciated. I believe this was when I took a long break from creating Astrology content and make some changes to how I wanted to express myself. I learnt about boundaries. I learnt about there being a time and a place for self expression and I learn that I needed to take my career choices a lot more serious in terms of where I see myself in my future goals.
It is important to note that Saturn Return affects us all differently, depending on the aspects to your Saturn life circumstances. While it can be a transformative and challenging period, it also offers opportunities for self-discovery, growth, and laying the groundwork for a more fulfilling future. Embracing the lessons and changes that arise during Saturn Return can lead to greater authenticity and alignment in your life's path.