If you are more of a visual person, you are welcome to watch a video I made discussing the multiple ways to find pregnancy in Astrology:
If you would like to book a consultation with me to find out when is a great time for conception, please click the image below to book.
Most people discover Astrology and get caught up in Sun Sign astrology. Learning about their sun signs and compatibility. However Astrology is a vert vast celestial practice it can get very deep. There have been many women who have planned pregnancies with Astrology as there are ways to predict children.
The houses that are typically associated with children, pregnancy, and matters related to family and offspring are the 5th and 4th houses.
5th House:
The House of Creativity, Pleasure, Casual Sex, and Children
5th house is often associated with creativity, romance, pleasure, and, importantly, children. It represents your self-expression, hobbies, and how you pursue joy and happiness.
In terms of children, the 5th house is commonly linked to the birth of biological children, your relationship with them, and your approach to parenting. It also covers topics like fertility, childbirth, and the desire to have children.
4th House
The House of Home, Family, Emotional Core, and Deep Fulfilment
The 4th house is primarily related to your home, family, and domestic life. It represents your roots, your childhood, and your emotional foundation.
In terms of pregnancy, the 4th house can be associated with the experience of being pregnant and nurturing a family. It can also indicate how you connect with your family and the type of home environment you create for your children.
When examining these houses for matters related to children and pregnancy, we need to consider the positions of planets, aspects, and other factors that may provide more detailed insights into an individual's experiences and desires in these areas of life.
The Signs in these houses can indicate the type of parenting styles you may have and how you emotionally relate to your child. People often feel fear if their 4th or 5th house are empty almost as though they will not have children because they have empty houses. This is not the case. The signs have rulers and you must look at the condition of that ruler to get an indication of how that house is going to fully express.
The Planets in the house also play a huge role in whether you will have kids sooner, later or even if you don’t have them for whatever reason. The planets can help us make sense of our feelings towards family values and children.
In astrology, the Moon is often associated with emotions, nurturing, and the subconscious mind. While it doesn't directly represent pregnancy or conception, it does play a significant role in understanding a person's emotional and maternal instincts, which can be related to fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood. Here's how the Moon is linked to these aspects in astrology:
Fertility: The Moon's phases and cycles are often associated with fertility and menstrual cycles. Some people believe that certain lunar phases, such as the New Moon, Full Moon, or specific lunar eclipses, can influence fertility or conception. We consider the Moon's position in an individual's birth chart to gain insights into their fertility patterns and reproductive health.
Maternal Instincts: The Moon represents the nurturing and caregiving qualities within a person. It relates to one's emotional connection to family, children, and motherhood. The Moon's placement and aspects in an individual's birth chart can reveal their natural inclinations and emotional responses when it comes to parenthood and raising children.
Timing: The Moon's transits and progressions are used to track potential periods of fertility and conception. While this is not a guarantee of pregnancy, it can be used as one of many tools for planning or understanding one's potential for pregnancy during specific lunar phases. I actually fell pregnant using progressions instead of transits in my natal chart. I will discuss later!
Moon Sign: The Moon sign in an individual's birth chart represents their emotional nature and innermost feelings. While it doesn't directly indicate pregnancy, it can provide insights into how a person may experience and respond to the emotional aspects of pregnancy, motherhood, and family life.
In astrology, there are several transits and aspects that we consider when looking at the potential for pregnancy and conception in a person's birth chart. Here are some transits and aspects that may be associated with pregnancy and conception in astrology:
Jupiter Transits: Jupiter is often associated with expansion, growth, and fertility. When Jupiter transits a significant point in an individual's birth chart, it can be seen as a period of increased fertility or the potential for expansion in the family. Beneficial aspects, such as the trine or sextile, between transiting Jupiter and natal planets may be considered auspicious for conception.
- Jupiter Transit Moon
- Jupiter transit 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th 10th and the 1st house
- Jupiter transit 5th house ruler.
Transits to the Moon: Transits to the natal Moon can influence a person's emotional state and may be associated with events related to the home and family. We believe that lunar transits can be connected to changes in family dynamics, including pregnancy.
- Jupiter transit Moon
- 5th house ruler transit moon
- Venus transit moon
- Sun transit moon
Progressions: Secondary progressions involve a symbolic advancement of planets in a person's birth chart, with each day after birth representing a year of life. We may examine progressions to sensitive points like the natal Moon, progressed Moon, and progressed angles to gain insights into potential timing related to family expansion.
- Progressed moon in the 4th or 5th house in the progressed or synastry with natal chart
- Progressed moon forming a conjunction to your natal 5th house ruler
- Progressed moon conjunct the AC in the progressed or natal chart
- Progressed moon in the 8th house
Solar Return and Annual Profections: Solar return is a supportive tool when looking for pregnancies. This is a predictive technique to see when the individual is likely to expand their family.
- The house the natal moon sits in, is the rising sign in the solar return
- The natal 5th house is the rising sign in the solar return
- In Annual Profections, your moon house, cancer house, 4th or 5th house can highlight conception
Lunar Eclipses: Lunar eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align in such a way that the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon. We associate lunar eclipses with events related to family and emotional changes. A lunar eclipse activating a sensitive point in an individual's birth chart may be seen as a significant moment related to pregnancy or family matters.
- Conjunct your natal moon or progressed moon
- in your 4th or 5th house
Aspects to the Ruler of the 5th House: The 5th house is traditionally associated with children, creativity, and pregnancy. We may consider transits and aspects to the ruler of the 5th house (the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 5th house) to gain insights into potential developments related to children or conception.
- Sun, Jupiter, or Venus transit 5th house ruler
It's important to remember, you can experience these transits and not fall pregnant. Health issues, age, and lifestyle needs to be considered. These are common placements that help to indicate conception.